Privacy Policy


Re-Own cares a lot about your privacy. We therefore only process data that we need for (improving) our services and handle the information we have collected about you and your use of our services with care.
We never make your data available to third parties for commercial purposes.

This privacy policy applies to the use of the website and the services provided therein The effective date for the validity of these conditions is 01/12/2023. Publishing a new version will void all previous versions.
This privacy policy describes what information about you is collected by us, what this information is used for and with whom and under what conditions this information may be shared with third parties. We also explain to you how we store your data and how we protect your data against misuse and what rights you have with regard to the personal data you provide to us.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact our privacy contact person, whose contact details can be found at the end of our privacy policy.


  1. Website (hereinafter also “The Website”):
  2. Responsible for the processing of personal data (Hereinafter also: “The administrator”): Re-Own, located at Oosthavendijk 46
    3241 LK Middelharnis Chamber of Commerce number: 89439597


Access to the website and use is strictly personal. You will not use this website or the data and information provided on it for commercial, political or advertising purposes, or for any commercial offers and in particular not for unsolicited electronic offers.


All brands, images, texts, comments, illustrations, (animation) pictures, video images, sounds, as well as all technical applications that can be used to make the website function and more generally all parts used on this site, are protected by law due to intellectual property rights. Any reproduction, repetition, use or modification, in any way whatsoever, of the whole or just part of it, including the technical applications, without the prior written permission of the controller is strictly prohibited. If the administrator does not immediately take action against any infringement, this cannot be interpreted as tacit consent or a waiver of legal action.


For the proper management of the website, the administrator can at any time:

  • suspend, interrupt or restrict access to all or part of the website for a certain category of visitors
  • remove any information that may disrupt the functioning of the website or is contrary to national or international law or is contrary to internet etiquette
  • have the website temporarily unavailable in order to carry out updates


The administrator is under no circumstances responsible for failures, disruptions, difficulties or interruptions in the functioning of the website, as a result of which the website or any of its functionalities are inaccessible. The way in which you connect to the website is your own responsibility. You must take all appropriate measures to protect your equipment and your data against, among other things, virus attacks on the Internet. You are also responsible for the websites and data that you consult on the internet.
The administrator is not liable for legal proceedings against you:

  • due to the use of the website or services accessible via the internet
  • for violating the terms of this privacy policy

The administrator is not responsible for any damage that you incur yourself, or that third parties or your equipment incur as a result of your connection to or use of the website. You will refrain from any action against the administrator as a result. If the manager becomes involved in a dispute as a result of your use of this website, he is entitled to recover from you all damage that he has suffered and will suffer as a result.


Below you can read how we process your data, where we store it, which security techniques we use and for whom the data is visible.

Online store software
Our online store was developed by Shopify. Personal data that you make available to us for the benefit of our services is shared with this party. These parties have access to your data to provide us with (technical) support. They will never use your data for any other purpose. Based on the agreement we have concluded with them, Re-Own is obliged to take appropriate security measures. Shopify uses cookies to collect technical information regarding your use of the software, no personal data is collected and/or stored.

Payment processors
We use the Mollie platform to process (part of) the payments in our online store. Mollie processes your name, address and place of residence details and your payment details such as your bank account or credit card number. Mollie has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. Mollie reserves the right to use your data to further improve the services and in this context to share (anonymized) data with third parties.

All the above-mentioned guarantees with regard to the protection of your personal data also apply to the parts of Mollie's services for which they engage third parties. Mollie does not store your data for longer than is permitted by the legal periods.

Shipping and logistics
If you place an order with us, it is our job to have your package delivered to you. We use the services of PostNL to carry out deliveries. It is necessary for us to share your name, address and residence details with PostNL. PostNL only uses this information for the purpose of executing the agreement. In the event that PostNL engages subcontractors, PostNL will also make your data available to these parties.

If you place an order with us, it is our job to have your package delivered to you. We use the services of DHL to carry out deliveries. It is necessary for us to share your name, address and residence details with DHL. DHL only uses this information for the purpose of executing the agreement. In the event that DHL engages subcontractors, DHL will also make your data available to these parties.

Invoicing and accounting
We use the services of E-bookkeeping to maintain our administration and accounting. We share your name, address and residence details and details regarding your order. This data is used to administer sales invoices. Your personal data is sent and stored protected. E-bookkeeping is obliged to maintain confidentiality and will treat your data confidentially. E-bookkeeping does not use your personal data for purposes other than those described above.

External sales channels
We sell (some of) our items via the platform. If you place an order via this platform, will share your order and personal data with us. We use this information to process your order. We handle your data confidentially and have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your data against loss and unauthorized use.


Under applicable Dutch and European legislation, you as a data subject have certain rights with regard to the personal data processed by or on behalf of us. We explain below what these rights are and how you can invoke these rights. In principle, to prevent misuse, we only send copies and copies of your data to your email address already known to us. In the event that you wish to receive the data at a different e-mail address or, for example, by post, we will ask you to identify yourself. We keep an administration of completed requests, in the case of a request to be forgotten we administer anonymized data. You will receive all copies and copies of data in the machine-readable data format that we use within our systems. You have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority at any time if you suspect that we are using your personal data incorrectly.

Right of inspection
You always have the right to inspect the data that we process or have processed that relates to your person or can be traced back to you. You can make a request to this effect to our contact person for privacy matters. You will then receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a copy of all data at the e-mail address known to us, with an overview of the processors who have this data, stating the category under which we have stored this data.

Right of rectification
You always have the right to have the data that we process or have processed that relates to your person or can be traced back to you amended. You can make a request to this effect to our contact person for privacy matters. You will then receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a confirmation that the data has been adjusted to the e-mail address known to us.

Right to restriction of processing
You always have the right to limit the data that we process that relates to your person or that can be traced back to you. You can make a request to this effect to our contact person for privacy matters. You will then receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a confirmation to the e-mail address known to us that the data will no longer be processed until you cancel the restriction.

Right to portability
You always have the right to have the data that we process or have processed that relates to your person or can be traced back to you, processed by another party. You can make a request to this effect to our contact person for privacy matters. You will then receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you copies or copies of all data about you that we have processed or that has been processed on our behalf by other processors or third parties at the e-mail address known to us. In all likelihood, we can no longer continue the service in such a case, because the secure linking of data files can no longer be guaranteed.

Right to object and other rights
Where appropriate, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data by or on behalf of If you object, we will immediately stop data processing pending handling of your objection. If your objection is well-founded, we will make copies and/or copies of data that we process or have processed available to you and then permanently discontinue the processing. You also have the right not to be subject to automated individual decision-making or profiling. We do not process your data in such a way that this right applies. If you believe that this is the case, please contact our contact person for privacy matters.


  1. If the consumer exercises his right of withdrawal, the costs of return will be borne by him.
  2. If the consumer has paid an amount, the entrepreneur will refund this amount as soon as possible, but no later than within 14 days after cancellation. This is subject to the condition that the product has already been received back by the online retailer or that conclusive proof of complete return can be provided. Refunds will be made via the same payment method used by the consumer unless the consumer expressly consents to another payment method.
  3. If the product is damaged due to careless handling by the consumer himself, the consumer is liable for any reduction in value of the product.
  4. The consumer cannot be held liable for depreciation of the product if the entrepreneur has not provided all legally required information about the right of withdrawal, this must be done before concluding the purchase agreement.


  1. You can receive commercial offers from the administrator. If you do not wish to receive this (anymore), please send an email to the following address: If you encounter any personal data during your visit to the website, you must refrain from collecting it or of any other unauthorized use as well as of any act that constitutes an infringement of the privacy of that person(s). The manager is under no circumstances responsible in the above situations.


The data collected by the website operator is used and stored for the period as determined by law.


  1. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on the hard drive of your computer when you visit our website. A cookie contains data so that you can be recognized as a visitor each time you visit our website. It is then possible to set up our website specifically for you and make logging in easier. When you visit our website, a banner will appear with which we inform you about the use of cookies. By continuing to use our website, you accept its use. Your consent is valid for a period of thirteen months.
  2. We use the following types of cookies on our website:

  • Functional cookies: such as session and login cookies for keeping track of session and login information.
  • Anonymized Analytical cookies: to gain insight into visits to our website based on information about visitor numbers, popular pages and topics. In this way we can better tailor communication and information provision to the needs of visitors to our website. We cannot see who visits our websites or from which PC the visit takes place.
  • Tracking cookies: such as advertising cookies that are intended for showing relevant advertisements. Personal interests can be derived from the information about visited websites. This allows organizations to, for example, show their website visitors targeted advertisements. Tracking cookies make it possible to create profiles of people and treat them differently. Tracking cookies usually process personal data.

  1. More specifically, we use the following cookies:


No rights can be derived from the images associated with the products offered on the website.


Dutch law applies to these conditions. The court of the manager's place of business has exclusive jurisdiction in any disputes regarding these conditions, unless a legal exception applies.

Changes to the privacy policy
We reserve the right to change our privacy policy at any time. However, you will always find the most recent version on this page. If the new privacy policy has consequences for the way in which we process already collected data relating to you, we will inform you by e-mail.


For questions, product information or information about the website itself, please contact: Oosthavendijk 46
3241 LK Middelharnis Netherlands T +316-87310189 E Version 1.0 01/12/2023.